Pazurina Holiday Homes

Reach us on Call | WhatsApp : +254 712 110 110

Voted Kenya's Best Coastal Real Estate Company - REA 2024

Here are some reasons to convince you.

Why invest with Pazurina?


what makes us unique..

Core Values

Pazurina endeavors to uphold a culture of integrity, honesty, sincerity and openness in all our transactions.

We observe high level of operating standards in all our undertakings and are devoted in providing world class services to all our clients at all times.

At Pazurina, we have a group of professionals with an outstanding level of experience in customer care and real estate and its marketing trends.

Our real estate model is uniquely designed to guarantee our clients maximum financial returns.

Pazurina believes in the spirit of team work and growth of relationships. We believe in supporting one another even beyond the business transaction. We value our dedicated team of staff, our esteemed clients, relevant professionals, business partners, government service providers, community around us and the needy members of our society. For that reason we promise to care for all.

In the best rated Africa beach and the hub of Kenya’s Tourism, Pazurina Holdings brings to you- Diani Beach Golf Resort Estate.

Diani Beach Golf Estate is a well-designed with a mini Golf Course and a classic hotel

Accessing Diani will be made easy by the completion of Dongo Kundu Bypass that will shorten the time from Mombasa SGR station to only 30 minutes.

On the other side the government has started to expand Diani Airport to status and this will increase flight traffic as well as larger capacity aeroplane

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